Its that time of year again. No i'm not talking about midterms the dreaded cold season. Last two weeks I talked about bodybuilding and nutrition. Let me tell you nothing cuts into your workouts and lifestyle more than the cold. So how does the cold start?
I've heard many different arguments by Doctors. Some say that you can get sick by being cold like standing out in the rain. Or just being cold or wet in general. Others have said that is bologne and the only way you get a cold is if you have been infected by others.

In my opinion I have to agree with the first even though it may not be scientifically accurate. At the beginning of the semester I caught a cold. I was fishing at Kau with a friend I got soaked by the waves all day longed and didn't dry myself off. Let me tell you i felt like dirt later that week.
So how does the cold start. Cold viruses grow mainly in the nose where they multiply in nasal cells and are present in large quantities in the nasal fluid of people with colds. The highest concentration of cold virus in nasal secretions occurs during the first three days of infection. This is when infected persons are most contagious.
You can get the cold by shaking other people hands or touching the railings or doors. And putting your hands in you eyes, nose , and ears. All of these will transmit the cold virus into your system.
Also to when you work out like me. I am naive in the sense when I train I go to all out failure as you may call with the heaviest weights I can lift. This is good but when you do it every single day without rest in between you break your immune system down making viruses like the cold easier to enter your system.
If theres any feeling I hate in the world its being out with the cold. I mean food sucks, training sucks, and just being awake and conscious sucks.
So how can we cure the cold. Well there isn't a cure for the common cold but you can treat its symptoms. You can take over the counter products like cough syup or a nasal decongestant. The most important thing is to stay hydrated and drink as much water as possible to flush oput those toxins. I'll share with you a secret my Grandma use to boil hot water and dice up some ginger and have me drink it. Boy it gives you great relief. It soothes your throat. They also recommend gargling saltwater for itchy and sore throat because it loosens glands in your throat and makes spitting out mucus easier.
I suggest taking airborne. Whenever you have that feeling of just about to get sick pop one in. It will make you feel better. It will kill the cold before it starts. It was created by a teacher who kept getting sick by her students.
So my friends do your best to prevent getting the cold by always washing your hands and taking care of your health.