Friday, January 12, 2007

The rain forest we love.

Our great forests are dissapearing in Hawaii. For those of us who grew up in Hawaii taking beautiful walks in the forsests was such a nice experience. But over a course of time the forests seem less greener and less livelier. Why is that? Why is our beautiful rainforests home to thousands of plant and many birds dying off?

How would you like to have pigs running loose in your yard or garden? This is the situation in Hawai‘i’s forests and watersheds. It is impossible to fence in everything we want to protect (and would be much too expensive). If hunting is important to residents, fenced preserves should be built, and the animals located inside, so that everything else can begin to recover from their devastating presence in the islands.

“Pigs are the biggest animal bane Hawai‘i’s flora has ever had to stand. They eat nearly everything and reproduce very efficiently. Their biggest impact is generated by the fact that they tend to feed on the roots of the plants rather than leaves, leaving no chance of recovery, even for the plant species that are able to resprout after grazing.” From the Master’s thesis of Germain Mesureur

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