My blog this week has to do with a profiling of the prawn. Ive been to a place on the north shore of oahu where they sell these creatures for upwards of 13 to 14 dollars a plate. Yes here in the islands they are considered a delicacy.
Hawaiian blue prawn is a freshwater prawn that's now being AQUACULTURED in Hawaii. It's name comes from the brilliant blue color of its tail. The moderately fat flesh of the Hawaiian blue prawn is sweet and delicious. This crustacean can be prepared in any manner suitable for shrimp.
Many people here in Hawaii love to catch these crustaceans in the river streams across predominanly the east hawaii area. These little critters are considered scavengers by many. They are considered that because I found out that they'll eat almost anything.
In various forms of English, the name "prawn" is often applied to shrimp as well, generally the larger species, such as Leander serratus. In the United States according to the 191 Encyclopedia, the word "prawn" usually indicates a freshwater shrimp or prawn. In Middle English, the word "prawn" is recorded as prayne or prane.
I like to go and catch them every now and again because they are a good source of protein and its free. And also they are fun to catch. The way in which you catch them is what marvels me. If you ever are bored on the weekends I strongly consider you to try this.
There are many ways to scientifically catch them. Here in hawaii many methods have been used. Unfortunately many choose the wrong one which is illegal. They use a battery whether it be a car battery or what not to electrically shock the river. By doing this everything in the river from little fish,opai and freshwater algae die.
Their are a lot of buttheads who do this too because I've been to rivers that were once full of prawns be as dead as the Dead sea. If you see or know of people doing this report them for the sake of the rivers natural resources.
Now the proper way in which to catch them is to set traps. You have to be one step ahead of the prawns now. So what you need to luse is a wire mesh in which prawns can enter. The key is making it small enough so they can enter but have hard time getting out. I've learned that they are attracted to husked coconut, dead fish and even dead of their own. They are truly scavengers.
Another way to catch them is to go at night. Because they are slower at night. In the day they'll see you and run away. At night you use a spear to catch them . Using a three prong spear works best for me. You shine your lamp in the water and look for orange eyes that will glow at you. Without making the fewest noise or movement sneak up on them and catch them.
They key here is to keep the spear as straight down as possible. When you try to hit from different angles in the water naturally it will go off. So the trick many people don't understand is to keep the spear as straight as possible.
That is the difference between coming home with 2 prawns or 200.
Prawns are a great resource in which many islanders have used for decades. Sadly because of a few they are slowly going away. Its not to the point of getting endangered yet. But I fear 10 or 20 years down the road who knows that might be true. So fellows please do your best to keep all Hawaiis creatures safe.
So my friends go out and explore hawaii.
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